Sunday, April 8, 2018

Mr. Lincoln's Boys

Short post this time around. I'm in the process of moving from Northern Virginia to upstate New York, so things have been pretty busy. I haven't had too much time for painting, but I have had a little. So far, I've finished twelve skirmishers for my Union ACW force and I'm in the process of painting up two sergeants and a lieutenant, which will be Status I and II, respectively. Until the move at the end of the month, that will be the last of the Union boys.

I've also got the next four of the Duchy of Whositorwhatsit (Name still undecided) Jaegers almost finished on the paint table, just highlights to do now. I've also put the Jaeger NCO (Status I) together, along with the first four of the line infantry. I hope to have all of these guys finished before the move so that I have something to show for the last month.

Anyway, on to the pics!

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