Friday, August 28, 2015

Two is Better Than One

Post number two! This time it's my first section of British Infantry. These guys are in MTP, which puts them towards the later parts of Afghanistan, but it also allows them to be used for any ultra-modern, what-if scenarios. They will definitely be fighting the Taliban in Helmand province for the time being, though.

Also, if you guys want ORBAT's along with the minis when I post, just let me know.

But anyway, enough of me rambling, on to the good stuff!

 Full section of eight.

Alpha Team
Bravo Team.

Now on to the single figures.

"I'm ready for my close up, let's take it over here by the trees."

I pretty much followed Dougie's method of painting the figures, but I simplified it as I always do. I am providing you guys with the link to the post on the Skirmish Sangin Blog.

Here is the color template:

Item or Area
Base Coat, Boots, and Uniform
Vallejo (VMC) Pale Sand
Vallejo (VMC) Basic Skintone
Vallejo (VGC) Black
Brown Splotches
Vallejo (VMC) English Uniform
Light Green Splotches
Vallejo (VMC) Golden Olive
Black Splotches
Vallejo (VMC) German Camo Black Brown
Dark Green Splotches
Vallejo (VMC) US Dark Green
Full Figure Wash
Agrax Earthshade
Full Figure Drybrush
Vallejo (VMC) Pale Sand

Let me know what you guys think!


  1. Very nice looking figures!
    As an aside, I once knew a Gunnar Lopez at the Academy: might that be you?

  2. If you mean West Point, it is quite possible. Class of 2013?

    1. Yeah! This is Claywell. How have you been buddy? It's been years.

    2. Claywell!? Holy crap man, I have seen you since you left. I'm doing pretty well, living in DC now. How are you?
